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Author: John M. Lundquist
About Product: Almost since Boyhood, Hugh Nibley has been interested in scholarship of the highest order. As a teacher, he has inspired others. And as a writer, he has opened doors to passages and rooms that other will be exploring for years to come. This, the first of two volumes of essays honoring Hugh Nibley, include scholarly papers based on what the authors have learned from Nibley, on which they may have found in one of his books, articles, or on subjects they may have learned at his feet. Nearly every major subject that doctor Nibley have encompassed in his vast learning and scholarly production is represented here by at least one article, or by an understanding expert in that field. The two volumes contain papers on subject areas that include the Bible and the Ancient near East, early and Eastern Christianity and formative Judaism, aspects of kingship and the sacred, the religion and Society of Asia, the classics, the scriptures of the Latter-Day Saints, and modern themes dealing with religion, literature, and Society. Especially notable are papers by world-renowned Scholars, including Dr. Aziz Atiya, James Charlesworth, Cyrus Gordon, Jacob Milgrom, Jacob Neunser, and Raphael Pitai, his work in these volumes attest to the wide respect in which Dr. Nibbley's work, as well as his personal example, it helped.