Come Unto Me (Kingdom and the Crown) #2 (Hardcover)

Gerald N. Lund

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Author: Gerald N. Lund

Jesus of Nazareth's announcement that he is the Messiah has blazed through Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside like wildfire. As he travels through Galilee, the crowds follow him, witnessing miracles and healings. Jesus teaches the parable of the lost sheep and the return of the prodigal son. He walks on the water.

But discipleship to Jesus the Messiah has come at a high price for both Simeon and Miriam. Tensions mount when Miriam is faced with a deadly choice: confess her involvement in the events at Joknean Pass and further sacrifice her relationship with her father, or remain silent and sacrifice her friends and fellow disciples to the Romans.

Meanwhile, Ya'abin begins attacking Roman columns in the Judean wilderness, and Mordechai and Marcus unite to face a common threat. But Mordechai has bigger plans than simply ensnaring the Desert Fox; he plots to eliminate the threat Jesus poses to his religion and his family. And if his plans happen to also eliminate Simeon the Javelin, so much the better.

The Kingdom and the Crown, volume 2: Come unto Me is a story filled with passion and betrayal, action and sacrifice, friendships forged and relationships lost. It is a novel about coming to terms with the demands placed on your heart and about coming unto Him.

Pages 574