The Life of Joseph Smith the Prophet (Hardback)

George Q. Cannon

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Author: George Q. Cannon

Life of Joseph Smith the Prophet by George Q. Cannon comes with all the vividness of eyewitness account. Elder Cannon met the Prophet when George was a lad and came as a convert to Nauvoo, Illinois. From that moment forward he bore testimony to the divine call which had come to the Prophet and the truthfulness of the gospel message which he had been appointed by God, the Eternal Father, to restore to the earth.

Throughout this book the author has shown with vigor the ordeals that the Prophet endured in order to work out the plans for the restoration. From the book emanates the spirit of complete dedication from the Prophet to the divine calling which he had received.

Fascinating firsthand accounts, letters, and other original matter—all become part of this dramatic and truthful account of the early life of the Church as bound to the life and death of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Jesus himself said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) Fittingly the book ends with this sacrifice of the Prophet and with the sure knowledge that the true Church has been reestablished, never to be taken from the earth again until Jesus Christ himself will come to reign..

Pages: 614