Forgiving Ourselves: Getting Back Up When We Let Ourselves Down (Paperback)

Wendy Ulrich, PH.D

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Author: Wendy Ulrich, PH.D

About Product:

All sin, many repent, but few really forgive themselves and find peace. Latter-day Saints believe in becoming better — we work hard at it — but we're also among the most self-critical people. Too often we fail to fully claim the “amazing grace” of the Atonement. How can we help our loved ones — and ourselves — let go of past mistakes? Wendy Ulrich, an experienced psychologist, maps the journey from self blame to self-forgiveness. She shows how the pure doctrines of the restored gospel, coupled with the practical perspectives of psychology, can help us stop harrowing our souls and start planting the seeds of faith, healing, and joy.

Pages: 275