Gables Against the Sky (Paperback)

Anita Stansfield

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Author: Anita Stansfield

About Product:

The Powerful and Moving Sequel to The Gable Faces East

It has been nearly two decades since Alexa Byrnehouse and Jess Davies married and started a family, and their twins, Emma and Tyson, have now grown to young adulthood. The Byrnehouse-Davies family is one of the richest in Australia, known for its exceptional handling of horses and abandoned boys. Boys like Michael Hamilton, who seems born for trouble. Still, he holds a special place in Alexa’s heart-and he loves Emma helplessly, hopelessly from a distance as he works in the stables. Will their two worlds, now so far apart, ever come together?

In prose as vivid as the blue Australian sky, author Anita Stansfield expertly fashions a powerful saga of passion, betrayal, forgiveness, and ultimate redemption. In the end, when lives and virtue are threatened, true love and commitment are put into perfect perspective-and a happy ending is guaranteed!

Pages: 567