In The Footsteps of Lehi (Hardcover)

Warren & Michaela Aston

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Author: Warren & Michaela Aston

About Product: Early in the Book of Mormon, Nephi wrote, 'We did sojourn for the space of many years, yea, even eight years in the wilderness. And we did come to the land which we called Bountiful, because of its much fruit and also wild honey; and all these things were prepared of the Lord that we might not perish.' (1 Nephi 17:4-5.) Now, nearly 2,600 years later, we wonder: Where was Nephi's Bountiful? Where was Nahom, the place Lehi and his party stopped to mourn and bury Ishmael? What was the route over which they traveled?

For more than a decade, a young Australian couple, Warren and Michaela Aston, have explored the remote deserts and valleys of the Arabian peninsula, traveling in many areas previously unvisited by outsiders. What began as a simple desire to see Lehi's trail for themselves grew into a serious research project that has yielded remarkable results. Not content to rely on what others have done, the Astons have brought their combined love of the scriptures, archaeology, history, and the Middle East to a focus on the two most important locations mentioned in Nephi's account of Lehi's Arabian odyssey--Nahom and Bountiful. They demonstrate convincingly that both these places can now be identified on the modern map.

Aware that many others may never be able to see these places for themselves, the Astons have given special attention to capturing, as far as possible, the atmosphere as well as the form of locations essentially unchanged since the time of the Lehites. From among the thousands of photographs taken over a nine-year period by Warren, a former freelance photographer, the stunning pictures selected for this book illustrate Lehi's journey as never before.

Pages: 88