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Author: Orson F. Whitney
About Product:
This is a must read for any Latter-day Saint. This is a source for great understanding and miracles having taken place early in this last dispensation that few seem to know much about. The account of Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young and their wives and neighbors witnessing in the night sky great marching spirit armies moving toward a battle that indeed commenced. They marked down the time and date, only to some years later realize that epic night of spiritual conflict of the unseen world a great event was taking place, dealing with the restoration and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith.
Heber is a most visionary man, and has the veil very thin, seeing for example in his opening of the preaching of the gospel in England hoards of Satanic hosts that attacked him and his companions the night before their first baptisms---the first baptisms outside of the United States.
It is of note to see too that ship's crews and captains began to note that ships containing Latter-day saints were miraculously not lost at see, which in those days was a high risk situation.
This is a most valued book and surely no LDS library is complete without this rich history of one of those few early Apostles who stayed true to Joseph Smith throughout their lives, Brigham Young being another who stayed solid throughout. This book will uplift and inspire the reader, giving powerful perspective into the miraculous events surrounding God's work in these last days.
Pages: 515