Mine Elect Hear My Voice (Hardcover)

Marvin VanDam

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Author: Marvin VanDam

About Product: There is, perhaps, no more important concept for the missionaries and member-missionaries of the Church to understand than that of the singular role of the house of Israel in the past, present, and future of God’s kingdom here on earth. As people in disparate places throughout the globe embrace the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, we can see the hand of the Lord in direct fulfillment of many prophecies concerning his “gathering” or, as it is sometimes called, his “marvelous work and a wonder.” In this comprehensive volume, Marvin R. VanDam carefully guides readers through every significant passage of ancient and modern scripture concerning this “gathering” and answers the pressing question, “What are the promised blessings of Israel and how do they concern me?”

Pages: 355