This is the reprint of a classic book by Elder Brigham H. Roberts, a General Authority noted for his doctrinal knowledge and literary skill. Elder Roberts was a member of the First Council of the Seventy for 45 years until his death in 1933. Mormon Doctrine of Deity is the most comprehensive statement and scriptural presentation of the Latter-day Saint doctrine of the nature of God in print. In 1901, Elder Roberts set forth with clarity the Latter-day Saint doctrine concerning God in a talk to Salt Lake Mutual Improvement Associations. His discourse was published in the Improvement Era. Revered C. Var Der Donckt, of Pocatello, Idaho, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, wrote a reply to it. In his reply he eloquently set forth the typical Catholic and Protestant view. Elder Roberts then wrote a skilful rejoinder to reverend Van Der Donckt, which answered his assertions with forthright clarity. Mormon Doctrine of Deity contains Elder Roberts' original discourse, the Catholic Reverend's challenge, and Elder Roberts' reply. To these items Elder Roberts added a collection of passages from Mormon works setting forth numerous other aspects of the LDS views of Deity. Discourses on the Godhead by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Orson Pratt, and Joseph F. Smith have also been included. Mormon Doctrine of Deity is highly readable. It is scriptural, it is logical, it is comprehensive! Horizon Publishers takes pleasure in the release of this valuable book which has been photographed from the original 1903 edition.