Not In Vain (Hardcover)

Susan Evans McCloud

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Author: Susan Evans McCloud

"Ellis, we will not let you die," her grandfather urgently cried. "You must stay with us, Ellis, you must live. You must live!" And live she did, leaving a legacy and heritage matched by few women before or since.

Under Susan McCloud's skillful hand, the life story of Ellis Reynolds Shipp, the second woman doctor in Utah, becomes an engrossing drama of courage, determination, sacrifice, and fortitude. From meticulous research, with most of the dialogue having been taken verbatim from journals and family notes, the author unfolds a story that combines romantic love with life's realities. Ellis Shipp met life head on-in her adventurous journey across the plains as a young girl, her Beehive House residence as a protege of Brigham Young's, her stormy courtship, her lonely journeys to medical school in Philadelphia, her long-awaited return to her beloved husband and family.

Hers was far from being an easy life, the book reveals. But she had set her goals: to overcome all inner weakness, to conquer self, and to live for others.  In fascinating detail her story comes to life. She was an astute child, a devoted wife and mother, a respected physician. In sixty years of medical practice, she delivered over six thousand babies. She proved that a woman could dream grand dreams and mold them into reality.

"God placed me upon this earth to accomplish some purpose," recorded Ellis Shipp at age twenty-five. As her story shows, she amply fulfilled that purpose.

Pages: 209