Protecting Your Family in an X-Rated World (Paperback)

Randal A. Wright

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Author: Randal A. Wright

About the Product:

What effects do the media have on teenagers, on families, and on society? Is modern music really a corruptive influence on young people? What can we do about pornography and obscenity? How does peer pressure influence teenagers? Can we trust the movie ratings? These are just a few of the concerns of families in today’s world, as society is being bombarded by a constant barrage of obscenities, immorality, drug and alcohol abuse, and violence in the media. Only one generation ago, schoolteachers reported that their biggest problems in school were students talking, chewing gum, and running in the halls. Today they are faced with vandalism, gang warfare, drug addiction, pregnancy, and rape. Author Randal A. Wright points out some of the effects of the media and peer pressure on young people and shows how forces at work in our society are undermining and weakening the family. “The media are very powerful tools that can influence people for good or evil,” he writes. “But the tools themselves are not the problem .It is how they are being used.” Presents specific ways in which families can fortify themselves and learn to live a gospel-centered life in an X-rated world. Previously published in hardcover as: Families in Danger: Protecting Your Family in an X-Rated World.

Pages: 145