Shadows of Brierley, Vol. 1: The Wanderer (Paperback)

Anita Stansfield

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Author: Anita Stansfield

Salt Lake County, Present Day
Sam Carroll is living life in the fast lane—sleek cars, nice clothes, and lovely ladies have replaced the gospel values he grew up with, and he's going nowhere fast. But when a serious car accident brings his fun to a screeching halt, Sam is left comatose, aware only of his older brother reading aloud from the hundred-year-old journal of an LDS bishop, Moroni Chadester. As Sam drifts in and out of consciousness, the words begin to take root in his mind.

As he neared the edge of the crowd, Ian could hear a loud voice preaching some kind of sermon. He bristled from the inside out. The very thought of God encouraged his guilt and tempted him to turn back to the pub, where he could purchase the means to drown out the taunting voices of shame that had taken up comfortable residence in his tortured mind.

Nevertheless, with a few of his remaining coins, Ian purchases a copy of the book from which the "preacher" is quoting, an act that somehow gives this troubled prodigal the courage to leave the dark alleyways of London and begin the long journey home—home to his beloved Brierley and to the woman whose heart he hopes to win.

Little does he realize the impact this book will have on him and his family as they struggle with the grim consequences of unrestrained compulsions and passions, and the seemingly insurmountable challenges of mental illness. As the threads that hold the tapestry of the MacBrier family together threaten to unravel, Ian realizes that . . . The Book of Mormon had been destined to come into his hands, and he was destined to follow where it led him.

In The Wanderer, set in the lush highlands of nineteenth-century Scotland, Anita Stansfield is at her storytelling best. Filled with past regrets and new beginnings, this volume is an extraordinary journey toward faith and peace—a sweeping emotional experience from start to finish.

Pages 167