The Accidental Marriage (Paperback)

Annette Haws

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Author: Annette Haws

About Product:

Elliot was taller than Nina was, but not by much, and her blocky heels gave her the inch or two needed to engage him eye to eye. I am woman. Hear me roar. Welcome to the seventies, she said. Standing on a Scottish tower high above the North Sea, Nina Rushforth gazed into the eyes of a lanky young man and made a big mistake--she fell in love. Six months later, she's back in Utah with a ring on her finger, standing in front of a classroom of farm kids, discussing the dangers of dangling participles. Instead of the sophisticated life she had imagined, Nina is keeping house in a miniscule apartment and living with a young husband who knows nothing more about being married than she does. Beset with cooking mishaps, lesson plans, and interfering in-laws, the newlyweds find themselves teetering on the brink of disaster--and neither knows know how to stop from going over the edge. Award-winning author Annette Haws brilliantly captures the comic strife of young LDS love caught in the turbulent social crosscurrents of the 1970s. As Nina and her husband struggle with these first-year missteps, they must learn to trust the love that brought them together.

Pages: 322