Trial of the Heart (Paperback)

Sierra St. James

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Author: Sierra St. James

About Product:

“You wouldn't last fifteen minutes pretending to be a Mormon.”

“All right,” he admitted. “I don't know all of your terminology, but how often does that sort of thing come up in conversation, really? I bet I could blend in for the morning.”

“I bet you couldn't.”

“How much do you want to wager?”

She shrugged. “A hundred thousand dollars.”

When Jamie Young inherits the valuable vineyards of her wealthy late employer, she also inherits the animosity of the whole family, and a nasty court battle. Throw in a relationship with the grandson, Clay - who thinks he's got Jamie and her Mormonism figured out in a few minutes - and things just get more complicated.

In this light, romantic novel, up-and-coming writer Sierra St. James juxtaposes a naive LDS college student and a handsome, wealthy, nonreligious bachelor - proving that opposites do attract.

Pages: 185