Are We There Yet? (Hardcover)

Robert Millet

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Author: Robert Millet

About Product

Do you ever feel as if your two steps forward result in one step back? As Latter-day Saints, we are actively engaged in building the kingdom of God. But because we have been called to the high standard of perfection and commissioned to pattern our lives after Jesus, we are frequently more aware of our shortcomings than of our progress. Sometimes we even question our standing before God or doubt our capacity to fulfill our mission here on earth and quality for eternal life hereafter. Yet, as author Robert L. Millet shows us in this inspirational book, we can find peace and hope here and now, even though we sometimes fall short of the ideal. We may not be there yet, but we are likely closer than we think.

Table of Contents
1. What Are My Odds?
2. What's Good Enough
3. From Weakness to Strength
4. The Worth of Souls
5. Does God Grade on the Curve?
6. " ... Forgiven; For She Loved Much"
7. An Attitude of Gratitude
8. Chasing Darkness Away
9. Truer Than True
10. "Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind"
11. Temple Living
12. Staying Clean
13. "Come Boldly unto the Throne of Grace"
14. From Rules to Real Religion
15. "When He Falls He Shall Rise Again"
16. The Father's Down Payment
17. There Is No All at Once
18. Why Should God Let Me into Heaven?

Pages: 158