By the Hand of Mormon: Scenes from the Land of Promise (Hardcover)

Walter Rane

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Author: Walter Rane

About Product:

I have a vision of artists putting into . . . paintings great themes and great characters from the Book of Mormon,' President Ezra Taft Benson told the Saints in 1988 when he asked them to flood the earth with the stories and teachings of the Book of Mormon.

The seventeen paintings in this book are an answer to that call. From Enos's impassioned prayer to Alma's exquisite joy at his son's conversion to the Savior's tender expression as he bids the Nephites to examine the scars on his hands and feet, Walter Rane's landmark collection of Book of Mormon paintings brings to life the stories and characters of that sacred book. President Gordon B. Hinckley has written about the 'poignant loneliness that constantly overshadowed [Moroni] as he moved about, a fugitive relentlessly hunted by his enemies.' That loneliness seeps through the canvas of 'I Even Remain Alone,' illustrating a profound story of a father's faith and a son's willingness to follow in his father's footsteps.

Elder Cree-L Kofford wrote that the prophet 'Abinadi's greatest contribution lies in the fact that he lived as so to qualify to be the seed of Jesus Christ. His life and death establish a standard by which we might gauge our own progress.' Through the drama and tension depicted in 'Abinadi Had Testified,' the thoughtful viewer gets a glimpse of what's to come for both Abinadi and Alma, the king's priest, and comes to recognize the potential blessings that come from following the standard set by these great prophets.

The resurrected Savior beckoned the Nephites in the land Bountiful to 'feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God . . . of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world' (3 Nephi 11:14). The emotion that these humbled Nephites must have experienced when they saw the risen Lord is powerfully yet tenderly portrayed in 'One by One.'

Indeed, every painting in By the Hand of Mormon evokes a feeling of grandeur and respect for the great faith and devotion of those men and women whose stories make up the Book of Mormon. Walter Rane's Book of Mormon collection is seen here for the first time, but it is destined to become renowned through the Church and to be remembered in the hearts and minds of viewers for years to come.

Pages 69