Drawing on the Powers of Heaven (Paperback)

Grant Von Harrison

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Author: Grant Von Harrison

The powers of heaven are very real and can dramatically influence the course of events in a person's life. In our relationship with Deity, the powers of heaven include any influence or power (inspiration, gift of the spirit, power of the priesthood, etc.) which is governed by God and operates in our behalf. A study of the scriptures reveals that the ways the powers of heaven can assist mortal men are virtually unlimited.

Exercising the faith required to call upon the powers of heaven involves a very specific process. In order to be proficient at exercising faith, you must understand the process thoroughly and then learn to apply the process in your daily pursuits. These tapes will help you understand the process required to pull down the powers of heaven to bless your life. When you successfully follow this process, you will be able to call upon the powers of heaven to assist you in realizing your righteous desires.

Pages 85