Prophets, Priesthood Keys, and Succession (Hardcover)

Hoyt W. Brewster

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Author: Howt W. Brewster

President Gordon B Hinckley declared: 'I would hope that in all we do, we would somehow constantly nourish the testimony of our people concerning the Savior.' The Old Testament, like the Book of Mormon, has the ultimate purpose of bearing witness of Jesus Christ and bringing souls to him. It is filled with types and shadows that point to the Savior and his powers. The most poignant, visible symbols of Him are those people whose callings, actions, and speech mirrored Christ's-those whom we recognize as prophets, priest and kings. Brother Skinner examines twenty individuals whose lives and experiences typified, paralleled, and foreshadowed the life and ministry of Christ, the great Prophet, Priest and King.

Pages: 154