Raising Up a Family to the Lord (Hardcover)

Gene R. Cook

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Author: Gene R. Cook

About Product

How can you better teach your family with the Spirit of the Lord? How can you reach a wayward child? How can you hold more effective family home evenings? How can you get the family all in one place long enough to read the scriptures together? In short, how can you bring your family to know the Lord, who is their true leader?

In Raising Up a Family to the Lord, Elder Gene R. Cook answers these and many other questions parents have about how to bring up their children. While he has carefully researched the scriptures on the subject, this book is much more than a theoretical rehearsal of doctrine. It is a solid, practical, hands-on reference book for families that includes nearly one hundred stories and examples—most of them from the author's own family—that illustrate the principles in action.

Elder Cook discusses such family-related topics as praying effectively; reading the scriptures with understanding; exercising faith; keeping the commandments; solving temporal problems; getting children to work; managing finances; organizing family meetings, projects, and activities; teaching repentance and discipline; and teaching love and service to others.

Most parents soon learn that children don't come with an instruction book, and parenting can be complex and confusing at times. But by following correct principles and seeking for the Lord's guidance, parents can bring up families that will be happy and successful in this life as well as joined together throughout the eternities.

Pages: 340