Sacred Truths of the Doctrine and Covenants, Vol. 2(Hardcover)

L.G. Otten

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Author: L.G. Otten & C. M. Caldwell

About Product

A study of the Doctrine and Covenants is a study of the Lord's doctrine. By this study one also learns of man's opportunity to enter into covenants of the Lord that makes possible man's eventual exaltation. Such a study is not limited to historical events and sayings. The gospel scholar who studies the Doctrine and Covenants will seek not only to learn and understand the truths revealed by the Lord, but he will also endeavor to discover and make application of these truths in his own life. Ultimately, the purpose of all gospel scholarship is to enhance the opportunity for individuals to attain unto personal salvation. This concept of gospel scholarship is the basis upon which this book has been written.

The purpose of this book is that it should serve as a supplement to the individual's study of the Doctrine and Covenants. It is not to be construed as a substitute for either studying or teaching the scriptures. This book should strengthen the individual's conviction that the scriptures are the source of truth and the depository of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book is intended to direct the reader's attention to the scriptures and encourage and increased study thereof.

The Doctrine and Covenants is a testimony that the Savior lives and reveals His mind and will through His living prophets in this dispensation. The Lord continues to direct His church through revelation and thus provides divine guidance for the membership of His kingdom upon the earth. A safe and a wise course through vicissitudes of mortality will always be clearly defined by the Lord's living oracle's.

Pages: 355