Stand in Holy Places: Selected Sermons and Writings of President Harold B. Lee (Hardcover)

Harold B. Lee

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Author: Harold B. Lee

About Product: Leather Edition. Though he served as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for only eighteen months, Harold B. Lee left a great legacy to the Church through the wisdom and inspiration of his writings and sermons. In this volume are gathered some of the most powerful of these gospel themes. President Lee was called to be a special witness of the Lord in April 1941, when he was sustained as a member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles. But even before that, through a rich pioneer heritage, a loving and spiritual childhood home, and unusual leadership ability and callings in his young manhood, he had proved to be a man of great wisdom, vision, and understanding. During the years of the Great Depression, he had pioneered, as a stake president, a program that was to become one of the most profound concepts ever known for self-help and sustenance-the great Welfare Program of the Church, which today extends to Latter-day Saints everywhere throughout the world. His wisdom, vision, and understanding of a priesthood-directed kingdom of God on the earth were instrumental in the founding and forming of today's great correlation program of the Church. And many, many other programs today are successful because of the guidance and direction he gave them through more than three decades of service as a greatly beloved and respected General Authority. In this book are found some of the outstanding expositions of President Lee on pertinent gospel themes: the importance of knowing and obeying God, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost; the efficacy of prayer, truth, and revelation; the calling of the prophet, seer, and revelator to direct God's kingdom on earth; the Lord's magnificent plan for the government of that kingdom through the priesthood; and the basic principles and ordinances of the Church.
