That Ye May Believe (Hardcover)

Neal A. Maxwell

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Edited by: Neal A. Maxwell

About Product:

Here is counsel, comfort, inspiration, and encouragement at its best, flowing as it does from a gifted and creative writer who is rooted in scripture and the restored gospel. This book has an unusual format that leads to exciting reading. Unusual because it "consists of letters written to our grandchildren as if they were older," making good adult reading. Exciting because it allows this talented thinker and writer to range far and wide in the filed of gospel concepts. Though the inquiries he responds to are imaginary, he notes, the concerns they deal with are real enough. They affect us all. And his invigorating answers will inform and delight his many readers.

The book begins and ends with powerful expressions about the central gospel concept—the Savior and His atonement. In between are more than seventy other stimulating messages of varying lengths, each on a supporting theme: Take time to smell the flowers but keep checking the leaves on the fig tree, the signs of the last days; respect trials—even expect them—as developmental, purifying devices; a fullness of joy is possible, even despite the waywardness of a loved one; develop and appreciate mortal joys—they foreshadow immortality. Here is advice on dealing with doubters, giving and receiving reproof, standing firm amid the turmoil of modern life, growing through self-discipline, seeking the status that endures, speaking up or keeping silent, as appropriate, and much, much more. The reader will sometimes chuckle as life's irony and humor are perceptively discussed. Interest if further enhanced by the author's having incorporated, from his background of wide and deep reading, illuminating examples and quotations from great spirits and great minds that range from Brigham Young to Winston Churchill.

As all this combines with apostolic testimony of the gospel that shines through the book's pages, the reader will find that his own conviction is strengthened and enlarged.

Pages: 228