The LDS Grandparents' Idea Book (Paperback)

Fay A. Klinger

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Author: Fay A. Klinger

Publised in 2005

You’ve seen the bumper sticker:
“My Grandkids Are Cuter Than Yours!”

As the grandmother of twenty-four, Fay Klingler knows all about the pride (and joy) reflected in that boast. She also shares the desire of all grandparents—to bond more closely with their grandchildren and exert a strong spiritual influence on them.

This is what prompted her to survey her family members, friends, neighbors and others. She wanted to know what people were doing with their grandchildren to promote love, provide a sense of security, and foster unity in their families.

You’ll be delighted to learn what Grandma Klingler discovered. No matter the age of your grandchildren—from newborns to toddlers to teenagers and beyond—here are ideas on how to create memories, pass on traditions, celebrate important milestones, and teach the gospel while having more fun with your family.

Pages 157